Our cows in their new home at Gummehof, Epsach

As of 1 July 2021, our cows have moved on to Simon Marolf at Gummehof (www.gummehof.ch). Fiby-Jolimuh, Daria, Nicole and Leiki like their new home very much, where they live right next to the horses, which are also at home at Gummehof. They enjoy two meadows there and a beautiful, cozy and very clean stable. Unfortunately, Epsach is also very far from Hünenberg and we would so much like to have a boarding farm near us, that even with boarding cows, no longer strives for mass animal farming, but prefers a smaller herd, so that our animals could live closer to us and we could visit them much more often.

Below we are happy to share with you some impressions of our animals at Gummehof.

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