We want a world without pornography and without prostitution!

That is why we demand abolishment of prostitution as well as legal prohibition of pornography of any kind in Switzerland and worldwide.

We demand that equal rights for women and men will be implemented once and for all on an international, national and regional basis. We demand in particular the implementation of the Women Convention, as it was formulated in 1979 and has been enacted since 1981 and which includes the abolishment of prostitution as well.

May we ask you to download the petition at the following link: Petition for a legal ban on pornography and prostitution in Switzerland
We would be delighted if you filled out the enclosed petition and return it to the following address: Verein Fluid Spirit, Post-office box 850, CH-6331 Hünenberg
The signatures will be collected and sent to Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga. Although the whole topic is hopeless, we nevertheless are committed to the reconciliation of the sexes and in this sense to a joyful coexistence between women and men.

Please help us!
Download Flyer

PDF: “We want a world without pornography and without prostitution!“
PDF: Interview with a young woman on the subject: “Effects of involuntary contact with pornography”
Link to the petition on avaaz.org: “We want a world without pornography and without prostitution!“

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